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Kookhak Ki Gong, created by Ilchi Lee, comes from South Korea . He has created the Brain Education System where Ki Gong is part of that system. The Brain Education system has been recognised by the UN and practised in many countries around the world.

Ki-gong is a form of ancient Asian healing art. The main focus of this healing art is to combine the mind, the breath and the body. Ki Gong helps to achieve a healthy flow of energy around the body through the meridian channels, while strengthening the body and lungs. While we gather the energy into the lower body, we make the legs and lower body strong, while making the upper body flexible and light. The focus on the breath enables the body to restore a natural functioning of the respiratory system, which really helps the practitioner to experience the true power of Ki Gong. So when you practice the healing art of Kookhak Ki Gong, you will start to experience a healthy, strong and flexible body, together with a calm and focused mind.


Kookhak Ki Gong is part of Ilchi Lee’s Brain Education System. This is a holistic programme with a powerful five step approach.

1 - Sensitising : Awaken body-brain senses.

2 - Versatilising : Make the brain more flexible.

3 - Refreshing : Free the brain from negative emotions.

4 - Integrating : Unleash potential.

5 - Mastering : Create your life the way you want it.

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